Friday, March 12, 2010

Beating Oneself Up

Still working with The I Ching for Writers... and lately the exercises have been forcing me to dig deep and really beat myself up a bit, which apparently I have needed. OLD stuff, shit I've been carrying around for who knows how long and who cares why has been dredged to the surface, and I've had to look at it, identify it, decide whether it has worth or validity, and then either clean it up and file it, or compost it. It's exhausting, but rewarding in a weird way. You get all those, "Oh! That explains a lot!" moments, which are often opportunities for hilarity. And when you write all of this down, you end up with a few strings of words here and there that are just... remarkable, and great fodder, judiciously edited, for future writings.

As always, stay tuned for further developments...

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