Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Looking inside

Inner truth is tricky stuff
It’s like trying to read your own future
In leaves, or cards
You interpret things the way you want
But at the risk of telling myself
What I want to hear
I’ll take a shot at it
And try to be honest about the truth
Okay, start with what we know:
I’m an introvert
I love being left to my own devices
Alone to think my own thoughts
Never having to censor myself or
Watch what I say so as not to
Light fires I don’t want to fight
Maybe we all do this
I’m creative, too, and never happier
Than when I am making something
From raw materials, or nothing at all
Out of my head, out of my mind
Yet my sanest moments are purely creative
The word Wicca, apparently, comes from
Roots that mean to bend or move
That’s a little factoid that has lodged itself
In my mind because that’s what
I imagine that I do when I create
Bend the Universe to my will
Make something that nobody has
Ever had before and that changes
Something, somewhere, somehow

Monday, February 15, 2010

Tool box stuff

A member of the writers group, Cindy, donated a couple copies of The I Ching for Writers by Sarah Jane Sloane, which is very cool. It's a good tool to have around for inspiration, but also just to improve your chops. It's good exercise to write something other than what you feel driven to write. Write from a purely intellectual place, and then get excited about that. Write from a voice you've never imagined using, like an old man or a child. Building chops. It's been really fun and interesting, and taking the exercises seriously will ultimately make me a better writer. That's a good thing.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

WTF is up with Valentine's Day?

The traffic around the mall yesterday was almost as bad as Christmas. So, the annual orgy of giving and spending and running up the credit cards wasn't enough for people? If ever there was a holiday for staying home and putting your money where your mouth is (hmm, THAT can be taken more than a few ways), it's this one. I guess I must have missed a memo somewhere.

And this morning, I'm solitary on the couch with a box of tissues, some tea and a whole array of cold remedies before me. Maybe I'm not jaded, maybe it's just snot.