Friday, November 20, 2009

Creative phase has kicked into gear I guess...

So, I got a little riff for another sort of schmaltzy song last night, don't ask me how... it's pretty entertaining though. Well, no, it's sort of dark and strangely pretty... we'll see how it goes.

The other song I've got in the oven is kind of stuck at the moment, though I'm trying to push it through. I got a consult on it yesterday from a fellow songwriter. I'm trying to decide if it needs a bridge, and if so, where the hell does it take you, and do you really want to go there, and how do you get back from there if you don't like it? The song is about lovers who are crazy about each other, and the way everybody can see it even when they're on opposite sides of a room, and how they are so connected that each knows when the other is thinking of them. Gooey romantic stuff, yes... but that's what the song wanted and I must obey. My muses must be in love. So my confusion was with the idea that a bridge is often a contrast or a resolution, or some kind of other perspective that reveals something the listener maybe didn't know, and with this song, there's not much of a need for resolution or contrast. My songwriting counselor suggested I play the chords with different voicings, even above the 12th fret, for the needed musical contrast (the chords are very rich and there are lots of common tones, melody wanders a bit, too) and skip the bridgey bit. I'll try that tonight and see how it works.

There's a meeting of the National League of American Pen Women tomorrow, and I really want to go, but I have a sore throat, so I may have to stay home and be pathetic. Sigh.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Guitary news

Yes, the Taylor 8-string baritone is quite a remarkable beastie! Lovely.

The Martin OMC-LJ Pro Laurence Juber Custom Artist is... incredible. Just amazing. It's everything you want and it's pretty, and it smells so nice. I have been playing it every day for lengths of time that my family is finding rather annoying, and honestly I don't care. They can all bite me. This guitar is just awesome.

So I've stolen a couple songs out of it. Actually, that's not entirely true. I had ideas of them both in my mind, and this guitar gave me the creative juice to develop them. And the desire to sit and play with the ideas for hours in order to do that.

Okay, must clean house, people showing up tomorrow and yikes, it looks like creative people live here. Horrors.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Boy, time flies

Okay, update... I left my full time position as Managing Editor of Premier Guitar for the much more flexible and much less stressful Acoustic Editor position, which Joe and I invented. It's a better gig, I can work from home and I'm a much happier person.

Still working at playing the Telecaster, but it's slow going. Lots of stuff going on in the personal life, some good, some hard, some weird, some frustrating... many long tales to tell that I won't trouble you with here. Suffice to say, life is interesting. I have written 2 songs on it, and I like them. So that's good. One is kind of a bluesy rocker, one is sort of a ballady thing.

Reviewing a Taylor 8-string baritone guitar, and expecting a Martin LJ-Pro to come tomorrow for review. I have Pat Smith's Lowden baritone to play with while he's away this month, and I am liking it quite a bit.