Sunday, August 16, 2009

Change is good

I haven't played hardly a note on any guitar lately except yesterday at Brueggers... so I have nothing to report on the whole acoustic-girl-plugs-in front... except damn, that Telecaster sure is shiny and blue.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

CD is out and ready on CDBaby

Here's the link: - it's called Eating From the Tree.

Already sold one, so that's an auspicious start!

Spent some time with the Telecaster today, and I'm really starting to get the hang of this. I can make it sound like car horns honking, which may seem like the opposite of an accomplishment - in fact, the opposite of desirable at all... but I WANT it to sound like that for one song, and I sorted out how to get that, so I'm excited.

The thing about distortion is, you have to be in charge to make it work. I never knew I had the option to be in charge... but that's the key. You don't let it run loose like a poorly trained dog, you keep it on a leash. The volume control on the guitar is an amazing device... I must sound like a total innocent! But I am like a child discovering a whole new world.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Tele good

Telecasters really are the king of electric guitars. I went from spanky, snarky blues to angry growling rock to smooth and jazzy with the flip of a switch...

Ricky Skaggs said that tone is in the hands - he's totally right. I'm going to sound like ME no matter what, acoustic or electric. My hands are not like anybody elses...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Shiny and Blue

After a long conversation with the inimitable Dean Farley, I started trying out Telecasters. And who knew? (Well, Dean knew...) I'm bonding. So I bought a very nice shiny blue Mexi Standard Tele to play with so I can see whether this is gonna take. So far I've got 2 new songs in the hopper, but that doesn't mean anything. Trust me.

I played until my hands hurt. It needs a set up - it's not bad, but I put .010s on it instead of .009s and the neck came up a little bit. I'll take it to Dr. Tom Monday and let him work his magic.

Thanks, Dean...