Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Boy, time flies

Okay, update... I left my full time position as Managing Editor of Premier Guitar for the much more flexible and much less stressful Acoustic Editor position, which Joe and I invented. It's a better gig, I can work from home and I'm a much happier person.

Still working at playing the Telecaster, but it's slow going. Lots of stuff going on in the personal life, some good, some hard, some weird, some frustrating... many long tales to tell that I won't trouble you with here. Suffice to say, life is interesting. I have written 2 songs on it, and I like them. So that's good. One is kind of a bluesy rocker, one is sort of a ballady thing.

Reviewing a Taylor 8-string baritone guitar, and expecting a Martin LJ-Pro to come tomorrow for review. I have Pat Smith's Lowden baritone to play with while he's away this month, and I am liking it quite a bit.

1 comment:

thisby said...

isn't the point of a blog to write about all those long winded things that happen that you don't want to barrage people with in every day conversation? get on it! :)